Trace gleibs transdata
Trace gleibs transdata


(d/b/a CoServ Electric) Denton Municipal Utilities and Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. company) CenterPoint Energy San Diego Gas and Electric Co.

trace gleibs transdata

Oncor Electric Delivery (an Energy Future Holdings Corp. TransData's Smart Meter Patents are the subject of patent infringement lawsuits the company has filed against a group of electric utilities that include defendants Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. All pending reexaminations filed against TransData's Smart Meter Patents are now complete.


The recent Patent Office actions conclude all nine of the pending serial patent reexamination requests filed by General Electric Company (NYSE: GE) against TransData's "Smart Meter Patents" portfolio which consists of U.S. TransData received notice that the Patent Office will issue Reexamination Certificates confirming the patentability of all 27 claims of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (Patent Office) has reaffirmed the validity of two of the company's key Smart Electric Meter Patents covering digital electric meters equipped with an internal wireless communications module and antenna. Memberships and charities include: First Presbyterian Church, where in 1959 he married Joan Paver Masoic Lodge 873, Shriners Hospital, President’s Club, The Ohio State University Life Member OSU Alumni Association Life Member West High Alumni Association Salvation Army Holiday Dinner and Buckner Children’s Home and Outreach Program.DALLAS, Ap/PRNewswire/ - TransData, Inc., announced today that the U.S. Since his retirement, the company has continued under the leadership of his children, E.J.

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The family claims ancestral ties to John Jenkes, the holder of the first patent in the New World.

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Maybe entrepreneurship runs in his blood. Department of Commerce for work in the global market. The company has won many awards, including one from thhe U.S. The company, which moved from Dublin, Ohio to Carrollton, Texas in 1987, manufactures and does research and design for new product patents. for energy measurement technology for utilities and large commercial customers. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Franklin, he worked for Robertshaw Control in Milford, Conn. Gleibs attended Ohio State University, later transferring to Franklin University, so he could work a full-time job while continuing his studies.


Ed never forgot the Salvation Army greetings of free coffee when they had shore leave. Gleibs signed up for Naval Service during the Korean War on his 18th birthday He traveled the Mediterranean and developed a love of travel in Europe, which he would be fortunate to revisit many times. Ed was chosen for the All City and Dispatch Football Team in the fall of 1951. His father the intervened, a decision that worked out for the redirected son and West High. When his mother refused to sign his football form in the ninth grade, fearing he would get injured, he skipped school until a principal called. Ed would be the first to tell you he went to school to play baseball and football. The glossy was presented several years in thanks for his help in reducing the team’s debt.

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Gleibs’ office houses a photograph of a West High baseball team. He has remained lifelong friends with many alumni and especially enjoys the Florida West High School All-Class Reunions. Ed Gleibs gained a reputation at West High School as “everyone’s friend.” He would not allow his friends to make derogatory remarks to girls and how through the years they never forgot his stand in the classroom for them.

Trace gleibs transdata